Nevada Masonic Kid's ID Program


Your child should have this ID!


Status Report

ID s MADE                    A wonderful bunch of Masons, Stars, and Jobs Daughters members have processes over 44 ID Kits so far this year. That means our fraternity has had a positive influence on the lives of over 6400 people since its inception. That is just the beginning. Who knows how many they told about us. I do know we have had four men join our Fraternity, and are now Master Masons, because of what this program has represented to them. More will follow.

THE ID KIT INCLUDES  The Laminated Photo-ID Card, the ID "Wanted Poster" information sheet, Additional Personal Information Form, Tooth Print (for DNA, Scent, Tooth Matching), Hair Sample (for color & Texture matching), Thumb Prints, and a lot of information on how to keep your kids safe.

SUPPLIES                       The expendable supplies used in making up the tooth print, samples, brochures, forms and items contained in the ID kit add up to a cost of about $1.40 per ID kit produced. In some cases the corporate hosts are willing to pay for this and any other expenses we may incur.

SUPPORT                        Significant support is required to make this work. It is easy to do, and getting better and easier all the time. Support is growing and will continue to grow as more of our members are exposed to it. They all come away with a smile on their faces, a good feeling in their heart, and a desire to do it again. Please get your Lodge, Chapter, or Body to sponsor an event. It reaches more people and can do more than anything the Blue Lodges and Chapters have done in a long time. It is the best thing we have come up with yet.

PARTICIPANTS               The Families participating in the program have come from all walks of life and all the diversity we would hope to serve in the community. They all are very greatful and often express their surprise that the service is free to them. We have had no complaints but that we are not out there doing it every day.

EQUIPMENT                    We have three complete booth sets in operation. A set includes everything..... including the signs, brochures, clip boards, pencils, forms, awning, chairs, tables, cables, cords, computer, printer, camera, fingerprint, toothprint, card lamination materials and a lot more. It all comes packed in their own containers and makes a good, positive, professional, and informative impression on those who see us and observe this operation.

RECOGNITION                 Much recognitian and kudos go out to the Young Ladies of Jobs Daughters, Bethel #5 and their leaders. They have sponsored three events and are planning for more. The Ladies have even done a Fund Raiser with the program to benefit. Caliente Lodge # 38 has had five events up in the Lincoln County area and I know that they will be up to bat again soon. Nellis Lodge #46 a number of events to their credit. They even have the all time record of 400 registrations in 4 days at the Shrine Circus this last year. And one member has worked magic on his events and even took a booth up to Goldfield's Masons to work with Montezuma Lodge #40. Events sponsored by Boulder City Lodge #37 have brought us attention there. Even Pioche's Saint John Lodge #19 has gotten into the act over their Labor Day Celebration. Dhahran Daylite Lodge #55 took on a pair of events.  Sandy Valley Lodge #56 has worked with the School to ID Kids in their valley. We just received a donation from Sunrise Chapter OES. Thanks to all of you.... Keep up the good work, You are doing great things.

OUR WEB SITE                 A link to the Web site dedicated to our program can be found by going to There you will find a full description of the whole program.... all the brochures, pictures of events, the schedule, and much much more. If after looking over that material you have any questions just send us an e.mail or give us a call. All the numbers are there.

                                          We have had requests for information on our program from a number of other jurisdictions and even invitations for us to bring the booths to their events in other states. If your Lodge, Chapter, or other group have not yet tried this great Masonic activity out you are missing a great opportuniy.

Their Safe.... If you keep them that way!

"Let us help you.... keep your loved ones safe"

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